Sunday, May 31, 2015

Running Again; My Candidate Statement for Annual Delegate Conference MGSCS Delegate

Everyone should have a voice in their Association and be part of an Association that they can be proud of, that protects their interests, which will be standing by them when needed.

Yet too many people feel their voices are not heard and do not feel that their jobs are secure.  They worry about their benefits and how any further reductions may impact the quality of life for their families should the Employer cut deeper into them just to save a few dollars.

I believe that together we can build a better Association, a more inclusive Association – where everyone’s voice is heard and where people work together to strengthen their Association and its ability to protect all its members.

I chose to become an activist and member advocate in 2012 when I felt that the Collective Agreement treated segments of our members unfairly.  Since 2012 I have been active in the Association as a MGSCS Delegate then as a member of the Board of Directors in 2014. I currently represent you as a Workplace Representative, as a member of the Workplace Relations Committee, and more recently as a member of the TBS AMERC.  In each and every situation I advocate for the rights of you the members.

I practice ‘interest based negotiation and collaborative solutioning’ – bringing people together making their voices heard and creating solutions that are fair to everyone.  It is in all our best interests to bring people together, Employer and members alike from across the Ministry; people who believe that by working together we create a better workplace for everyone with secure and fairly paid jobs.

If elected as a MGSCS Delegate to the Annual Delegates Conference (ADC), I will also be a member of the MGSCS Chapter Executive where I will work to create a place where your voice is heard and your issues and concerns dwelt with.

As an MGSCS Delegate to the ADC, I will actively participate in discussions and decision making.   I will work with others to create a level playing field ensuring everyone has access to their Association and its support – and keep working with members to ensure that their concerns are fairly represented.

I ask you to vote for me, James Wm. Dawson, as your MGSCS Delegate and as your advocate.

I welcome the opportunity to talk to you and hear your views.  I can be reached at or by telephone at 416-647-9108.